Monday, November 20, 2006

one dmitry please (:

i want dmitry for my birthday please (: yummy yummy yummy. i so love latin boys. meeheehee. have you seen him shake his lovely arse. whoopeeeee. hahaha. i have this super weak spot for contemporary guy dancers and latin guy dancers. i think a guy who can shake or twirl like that is mother hell sexy. teehee. i want to do latin again. ooh and ivan tonight. was delish. his argentine tango. woohoo. i like aleksandra through ): and i think ashley and dmitry's gonna make a tad bit weird couple. alex and dmitry were such a beautiful couple. dmitry's another artem. just that artem's all man. and dmitry has the body of a man and the face of a pretty boy. hahaha. i should stop drooling..

damnit. math s tmr and i really feel super unprepared. i wanted to do my tys. then i realised (the day before math s) that our tys has no answers! WONDERFUL. tell me what should i do eh. -.- grumbles.

and biotech today was an annoying piece of shit. ROARS. PLANT TISSUE CULTURE. WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME. and i didn't have time to finish writing. which definitely got me even more annoyed. urghs. and my parents are all pissy. wonderful.

i want to dance!

: technologic :: daft punk :
i love this song (:


Blogger JW said...

Eh yea i happened to watch that episode... Dmitry is damn good. Hahaha i think i'm addicted man, all of them are not bad leh!

6:59 PM  

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